HYPERTEXT: ht08 – Some thoughts

June 21st, 2008 by susan

While my attendance at conference sessions may have been spotty, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed being here.  Thursday’s Workshop Sessions headed by Steve Ersinghaus was a small group, but representative of most of the various forms of creativity and creative tools available to the hypertext artist.  Storyspace, Literatronica, Flash (or ‘net art’ as Alan put it), Hypertextopia, Storytron, Hyperdrama, Dene Griger’s human hypertext space; all here and represented for discussion. 

It was my extreme pleasure to meet the creators like Mark Bernstein, Chris Crawford, Juan Guiterrez and Mark Marino, and to understand how they design and create for they are certainly as creative with story as they are with technology. And it was fun to share a beer (okay, a couple) and a meal with such folk as these and the artists albeit technologically skilled users as Alan Bigelow and of course, Steve, and those who I’ve known for years via weblogs and finally have had a chance to meet such as Dennis Jerz, who’s proven his journalistic abilities in his reporting of the events on a daily basis.

My thanks too to Jeff Smith for his warm welcome and such great handling of details of the event and particularly his helpful directions to downtown Pittsburgh.

So even though I may not have taken advantage of the full value of the event on the technical side of hypertext and all it encompasses, I’m glad to have spent this weekend in such a mood of inspiration and good people.

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