CODE: Shortcuts and Helpers

April 6th, 2009 by susan

Downloaded Aptana Studio as was suggested in the For Dummys‘ book to coordinate and doublecheck code of all sort. I’ve been using just my little Mac Textedit program but figured that maybe it would behoove me and my code to go a bit more fancy.

Haven’t opened and installed it yet because I also have the Adobe Suite with Dreamweaver and such so it would seem that I may as well make use of what I already have and something that is more compatible with the the other suite programs that I more consistently use. Besides, that’s another 139 mb on the hard drive.

2 Responses to “CODE: Shortcuts and Helpers”

  1. Chris Says:

    Aptana is essentially a free alternative to Dreamweaver that, at least in my experience, is a little nicer when working with JavaScript — i.e. it will highlight basic syntax errors, which Dreamweaver won’t (as far as I know). With regular HTML/CSS it’s really a tossup between the two, so you may as well use the one you bought :).

  2. admin Says:

    Thanks, Chris. I sort of like the idea of the error-finding, but then, it’s more fun (and the lesson indelibly inked in my brain) to track down and find out why something’s not working. I have found myself becoming more readily familiar with code because of that very reason; searching and reading it slowly when seeking the flaw!