HYPERTEXT: Call for Papers
Of possible interest, I’m passing on this information from SIGWEB:
New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia 2009(3) / 2010 (1)
Deadline for paper submission 7th September 2009We invite papers for forthcoming issues of NRHM on the following topics and related issues:
– Conceptual basis of hypertext systems
cognitive aspects,
design strategies– Intelligent and adaptive hypermedia
personalisation, adaptation,
knowledge organisation systems / services, semantic web, Web 2.0– Multimedia issues
time and synchronisation,
link dynamics, link metrics,
multimedia authoring,
content-based retrieval– Interaction
navigation and browsing; search systems,
studies of information seeking and navigation behaviour, testing and evaluation
user interfaces, experience design, multi-modal interaction– Tools for hypermedia
(automatic) authoring systems– Applications
literary and creative hypermedia, social networking,
physical hypermedia, virtual environments,
applications in commerce, digital libraries, e-learning, e-Government, the professions, etc.The New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia (NRHM) is published by Taylor & Francis and appears in both print and digital formats. For more details and indicative topics, see the journal website: <http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/nrhm>
Submissions may take the form of research papers or shorter technical notes and should be submitted electronically at the Journal’s Manuscript Central site <http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tham>
Informal enquiries may be sent to the Editors:
Editor: Doug Tudhope (<dstudhope@glam.ac.uk>)
Associate Editor: Daniel Cunliffe (<djcunlif@glam.ac.uk>)
Faculty of Advanced Technology, University of Glamorgan, UK
May 20th, 2009 at 7:17 am
[…] is Director of the Lab for Social Computing and Associate Professor of Information Technology HYPERTEXT: Call for Papers – susangibb.net 05/20/2009 Of possible interest, I’m passing on this information from SIGWEB: New […]