July 3rd, 2009 by susan

The Magician

43themagicianThis was another concept that I’d had stored away in the back of my mind for a few years and saved in a couple paragraphs on the hard drive.

Steve’s story today was a wonderfully entertaining story about a proposed sitcom with a very odd family. That brought me into the mood of magical realism and suspension of disbelief and families and “The Magician’s Rabbit” (original title–I used to start stories from titles back then) came up. In looking it over I was disappointed to see that I really hadn’t laid out any train of thought (plot) but I figured that’s what this exercise in writing is for.

The map went back to a semi-organized pattern as the characters interplayed to build to the final concept. I sort of like it, though I think that it might not be a bad idea on this one to flesh it out into a longer length via episodes and events.

2 Responses to “100 DAYS PROJECT: #43”

  1. mary ellen Says:

    This one is very cool, and I agree that it should be developed. This has me thinking about all the things we believe in when we’re children that we get talked out of as we “grow up”. If you don’t mind, I might follow this path…

    Tech note: you mention that he got bitten on both the arm and hand.

  2. susan Says:

    Thanks. Also for the hand/arm; it’s getting more difficult for me to catch these things as I’m going and I usually read them online afterward and see them, but I really appreciate your calling them to my attention.

    You like the idea, run with it!