July 24th, 2009 by susan

When The Wind Blows

63whenthewindblowsI’m having problems with my server so this may be the last of the series. This story started out as a phrase a few weeks ago and I saved it for a better time to develop. When it appeared to tie in with Steve’s daily story I set it up and went to work.

But it didn’t go where I’d expected. It was to be a humorous piece about cloning–what else would you expect when someone’s nose blows off and lands on your forehead? But it soon became a politically charged statement and it dragged out all day.

Finally able to go back and change track to a certain degree, but there’s little humor unless you delight in the macabre.

3 Responses to “100 DAYS PROJECT: #63”

  1. mary ellen Says:

    Wow, this one is so melancholy. I love the tone and the oddness that so quickly seems familiar. This is another one with novel promise. (Only 108, huh? Louis Wu is over 200 and still has fun…)

  2. susan Says:

    Well the age couldn’t be too far removed from his clone’s almost complete condition. Gotta go check out who is Louis Wu. The Great Google will know.

    I don’t know if we need to go much further into him placing her clone on the bed…

  3. mary ellen Says:

    Make sure you find Larry Niven’s Louis Wu. There are many impostors.