HYPERTEXT: ht08 – Dene Griger

June 19th, 2008 by Susan

Available by computer and modern technology, Dene was able to attend and present at the conference three pieces of performance hyperlinking, bringing it beyond the 2D space of a computer.

Steve Gibson’s Virtual DJ was performed by Dene live. Very interesting, rather like a living show of audio sounds if you can imagine that.  (I believe it may be online)  The ‘space of the work is a computerization of reading the artist’s movements so that the programming is an immediate response to the mood or artistic interpretation.

Things of Day And Dream (need to check this) was the second piece is a bit more complicated, involving chunks of space, divided by a grid into zones that Dene sets off by physically "clicking that link" with her body by entering into that physical space.

Rhapsody Room (need to check) More using of the cursor and the levels of area where the words are placed within the space.

The idea is intriguing, that of using body as a part of the whole. That the interaction of the artist within the environment is what sets off particular audio and visual responses.  More interesting is the fact that the environment is mobile and can be set up anywhere (with some needs, I would expect) and that the public is often invited to move within the space and to see how they relate and learn the mechanics.

Media being evoked by use of a tracking device.  It is hypertextual in that it brings about a change or event via touching or connecting, like that of a link.

This is something I’m going to need to delve deeper into, the more complete immersion of the physical into the literary.  I hope this is on file to download. 

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