STORYSPACE: Living in Boxes

June 5th, 2008 by Susan

In keeping with my firm belief that hypertext story works much as the human mind in using stored information, being selective and influenced by impetus and purpose, I was thinking today about how my own life has been stacked into memory segments and stored on shelves by what method of filing system?

Are memories archived by date? By the senses–surely, or at least linked in that way.  Or are they put into bins marked "Good" or "Bad," "Pleasant or "Distasteful," or how strong or impactful they were on our lives?  And when they are called up to duty, what is the chain of links that brings the right one to mind?  What interferes with accuracy (oh, that wasn’t Joe, that was Fred!)?

It’d be interesting to do a hypertext in sort of a Jim Carrey’s The Truman Show style of presentation of a life.

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