HYPERTEXT: Hypertext ’09

November 6th, 2008 by susan

Steve Ersinghaus reminds us of the late June Hypertext '09 conference to be held in Torino, Italy. Steve will be part of the program committee and headed a workshop at the Hypertext '08 event in Pittsburgh, PA this past summer. Mark Bernstein of Eastgate Systems is once again chairing the Hypertext and Community Track.

Deadlines are fast approaching for submission of papers so check out the site for information if you are planning on submitting a proposal or attending this exciting event.

3 Responses to “HYPERTEXT: Hypertext ’09”

  1. steve Says:

    I’m just on the program committee, not leading. Will you go? Susan in Torino? I doubt I will make it as the state is in negative numbers financially and we have squat for research or anything else?

  2. susan Says:

    Figured that’s why you were getting the passport.

    Made the correction you noted.

    Me? If $250k is now middle class, I’m afraid we’ve just moved into poor. I doubt I’ll be even taking any classes this year.

  3. Mark Bernstein Says:

    Cheer up! The coming year might not be quite so bleak as expected, or we may find ways and means to get to Italy.