STORYSPACE: Fun with Links and Guard Fields
Subtitle: The Evil Side of Linking
Yep, I’m having fun now. A Writing Space in Story #2 made me think that the guy’s probably cheating on his wife so I added in four more writing spaces linked from a kickoff word and then linked to each other, coming back from the fourth space to the next Writing Space in the narrative rather than returning as most of them do. Fine, I thought, that eliminates maybe some repetition of both reading and method.
Then I realized that the original Writing Space has links coming into it from another story, and the guard field protects the reader (What, protects? It prevents is a better word.) from entering Story #2’s path from there. However, if the reader is curious enough to click on a the text link, he’ll follow it and be deposited into the next Writing Space, bypassing the guard field and hopelessly lost in a new world.
Heh-heh-heh. Hey, that’s what this is supposed to be all about, no? Curiousity and reader intelligence.