I played Polish Nesting Dolls with one copy of Paths and believe it may be the way to go. In fact, the cleaner look of the map views, each story able to telescope out individually, with ‘children’ still in the oven so to speak of some write spaces, actually invites more story to be told. So I am converting all the notes to links (children) and most likely will work with this version of Paths from now on, converting the others by a simple "Save As."
One thing I’m not sure of is if the full, un-nested mapview of the four stories I worked with originally wasn’t the best way to link the stories together. If I had to do that now, using chart or outline, even though the text can be shown I don’t think the setup is as visually telling. Maybe I was just used to it because that’s how I made up a "pseudomap" to show the link connections of the four stories, but this is something that may just need adjusting to a different format before it becomes second nature. Like clicking "Save" every few minutes.