HYPERTEXT: ht08 – Pittsburgh Proper

June 21st, 2008 by Susan

Missed a lot of the conference yesterday since while I can certainly appreciate the creative concepts of the web and of linking structure in its complicated intricacies, it’s just not something I’m going to be dedicated to learning beyond what I need to do what I want to do.  I was amazed at the posters, mostly by young students who appear to be coming up with some great visuals of an elaborate technical system and I can only say that if their current interest extends beyond academic learning, we’re in for some minds that will move the future.

Instead I’ve been enjoying the city. Walking around, finding Market Square (though the "culture and art" exhibits were not quite there or up to their marketing.  Today between ht08 sessions I’ll hang a right off Wood Street and check instead the red outlined "culture district" to see if it’s more prevalent as its more stationary than the ongoing Arts Festival in town.

Though there are events I’ll likely drift into, I’d suggest once again reading Dennis Jerz’s excellent ongoing reporting of the conference at Jerz’s Literacy Weblog for updates on the conference sessions.

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