It has occurred to me been brought to my attention that a lot of people aren’t familiar with hypertext and even if they have attempted to read this narrative format before, many have come away from it swearing that their lives are perfectly satisfactory without hypertext.
To me, this conclusion is the challenge. Even as I myself learn the underpinnings of the genre, I think it’s necessary to help spread the faith and maybe make these mini hypertexts a bit more simple and less frustrating to follow. It’s as discouraging for the creator as it is for the reader to lose or get lost in a mumble of words that are poor excuse for a story. This particular piece does go back on itself, but there are only two main story lines–a question that Steve has raised in Champion 2 of fiction being both the possibility and the reality of our lives.
Maybe I won’t make any converts, but I think that including the maps here, keeping the hypertexts more flowing yet simple, and offering to help in any way that I can to decipher this medium to help you enjoy it is a start.