100 DAYS PROJECT: Afterglow
Relaxing today, mentally coming down from a three-month routine that included anxious waiting for inspiration from 5:00 a.m. for a couple hours until a more reasonable hour of deliverance. From straining the brain for a new path of story through trails of possibilities. From learning more about code to development of narrative through color, pattern, choice, anticipation of reader input.
I don’t know that I’ve inspired anyone to try reading or writing hypertext fiction–except perhaps for Mary Ellen–and that was one of my own main goals, aside from the experimentation and learning of fiction first, hypertext second and all the extra bonuses that come with an undertaking of this sort.
But I do know I studied and learned daily from reading, watching, comprehending the artistic processes extended by the others in the group:
From Steve, the courage of going behind doors, into the corner, to leap given boundaries to find story and then sit and pick at the words.
From Carianne, to see things in a different way, to pull apart the strands of life and look inside for the colors.
From Mary Ellen, the indelible drawing of character by noticing the details of their interaction, their reaction, their actions.
From Maggie, the setting and environment of the story is just as important as the character and object.
From Susan, that the most intimate and common familiar items offer a match to the most wildly imaginative story.
From Neha, the power of poetry to produce using familiar language in unfamiliar settings to create an image.
From John, that story can cry, can holler in jubilation of sound, and that point of view changes angle of story.
From Denna, that an image can be so pronounced even when pulled from the vaguest of references when experienced by details.
From Mindy, that nature is in a constant state of narrative that changes with light and wind to tell a different tale every day.
From Jessica, that using the same medium and the same subject can offer at the very least 100 new angles if one seeks them.
From Jim, that code is a living thing that can be taught to dance.
From Steve K., that the planning is a part of the beauty of the process of building.
To them all I give thanks for the ability to watch and learn and wish them all lovely days of wild creativity.