NEW MEDIA: Making a Movie

February 12th, 2009 by susan

I’ve been looking to get back into animation and the folks at Xtranormal have a real fun and easy way to dabble a bit. Here’s my first attempt:

If you can’t get it to work here, try going here to the site.

It’s a real easy, simple yet fun way to introduce yourself to animation before getting involved in Alice or Panda or Flash.

BLOGGING & CODE: I give up.

February 11th, 2009 by susan

Three weeks spent on this move, upgrading, exporting, tweaking, and all I did was upgrade WordPress 2.7 again to 2.7.1 and all my efforts just went to hell.

It’s just not worth it.

UPDATE: Some of the problems I encountered are in this Spinning post so I won’t duplicate them here, but with about an hour’s worth of additional work, I got things back to normal.

BLOGGING & CODE: The Technical Side

February 10th, 2009 by susan

Since Typepad doesn’t allow a 404 or 301 redirect page, and since I can’t understand how to play with the templates to get something in there, I’ve come up with a semi-workable solution that will at least help the external links to the weblogs if not to the direct postings (for particular projects like Storyspace or Facade or in Spinning, literature reviews). After deleting the old Hypercompendia weblog (Spinning’s just password-protected for now–it’s tough to pull the plug on 5 years of my life), I’ve created a new weblog in Typepad with the same Hypercompendia name and posted the link to the new WordPress weblog to serve as a redirect. It looks like this:


This will work only because my Typepad account is paid up in advance for quite a few months so I believe it’s well-worth the money to redirect to the new weblog, even if only taking care of a portion of the searches and links. Now to do something like this with Spinning.

BLOGGING & CODE: If You Build It, They Will Come…

February 9th, 2009 by susan

…and they’d better, since I destroyed the old Typepad Hypercompendia this morning and put up a temporary lock on Spinning.

Couldn’t find a way to redirect a Typepad hosted weblog anywhere else, although internally, the permalinks here and at Spinning are correct (except within posts). I tried a bunch of ways and can’t even come up with a 401 page much less a 301 unless I am willing to pay to have someone handle it for me. It’s just not worth it and I’m overdosed on this move and want to get back to reading and writing and playing with new narrative forms. There’s only one more possibility and that’s through Google but I’d still have to find some way of putting up a redirect template on the Typepad weblog and it’s more trouble than it’s worth, I think.

Been playing with logos here, and I’ve just slapped the old one up with new text for now until I come up with something exquisite.

In the meantime, I apologize if anyone has a hard time finding me; I did give my two-week notice.


February 8th, 2009 by susan

The bad part about designing a logo is that it doesn’t take long to come up with something you think is cool. The next bad thing is giving up the old one that you thought was so cool.

This one’s sort of glitzy and bold, but I like it. The good thing is that I am not so crazy about it that I’ll let it sit for a year, afraid that I won’t come up with something better. Now I have to adjust the font colors a bit, maybe make the links really red. The background will likely remain white though I might fiddle a bit with a super light gray.

SOCIAL NETWORKING: Part VII (?) – Lassoing the Universe

February 6th, 2009 by susan

When I received a Facebook invite from my high school best friend, Pat, I cringed. This horrid reaction was only because I’d tried Facebook before and found it to just be one more place to scatter my thoughts. It seemed that everyone knew if I was ‘on’ and I didn’t feel right about not contacting them, as if I was tiptoeing by to avoid them. There may be a shutoff for this but I didn’t stay on long enough to find out. But with the best of intentions to keep in touch, it seemed the years flew by without contact between Pat and I above Christmas catchups and a promise to call or email right after the holidays.

Within an hour of rejoining, I had seven friends. You can’t really turn down an invitation, and luckily, these are all people I know and like so it wasn’t a problem. It’s up to nine now, after a day on the network and that number could rise quickly very easily since Facebook sorts through all its data on all its members and finds connections to bring up loads of folks you may know. Via Pat’s page, I found a photo of a young couple who are likely related, (son?) to my first serious boyfriend, Jimmy.

Then I played a bit by putting in people that I do know, such as members of my family, my husband’s, some of our friends and old acquaintances. Yep, there are plenty of them on Facebook. I immediately found two of my nieces, two of my nephews, my sister-in-law, my great niece, part of my neighbor’s family, several more friends, and a slew of my customers and past co-workers. And here’s where I stopped.

We all have family, friends, co-workers, a present and a past. Facebook, it would seem, can bridge all the gaps of time and bring everyone together. That’s not my way of social intercourse. There are different worlds for different friendships and while it’d be a great idea to let everyone know simultaneously what’s going on–sort of like that detestable Christmas letter–there are certainly different layers of intimacy and interests among our circles of communication that don’t need to or want to overlap.

More on this later, or maybe I’ve already covered this issue in the series I’ve done here. I’m just thinking that maybe I’m not good with large groups not only in physical living, but on the wide world of the internet either.

BLOGGING & TECHNOLOGY: Uploading large files

February 5th, 2009 by susan

Just a note because I’m sure I’ll need this information long after I’ve forgotten how to do it.

When uploading a large file, i.e., media, and WordPress uploads gives a 2M limit, upload directly via Lunar’s cPanel into wp-content/uploads/2009/12 (or whatever year and month)

To upload it into a post, upload via the URL with the

I’m duplicating this post from Spinning because I’ll likely need it here more often than there with audio, video, flash, etc. files.

BLOGGING: Getting my new face around…

February 3rd, 2009 by susan

…by registering with Technorati Profile

NEW MEDIA: Hyperdrama Class

February 2nd, 2009 by susan

Nice to see that the new media program at the local Tunxis CC is going forward with a hyperdrama class being offered online in Spring of ’10. It will be run by the well known writer and producer Charles Deemer.

BLOGGING: Update on Migration

February 2nd, 2009 by susan

What she said.