HYPERTEXT: Hypertext 2008

June 12th, 2008 by Susan

One week away from the Hypertext 2008 Conference in Pittsburgh, PA and I’m pretty much ready for that with a presentation for the workshop headed by Steve Ersinghaus where I’ll be showing the process of my work with Storyspace and Hypertextopia. I’ll be happy to finally meet Mark Bernstein, Juan Gutierrez, Mark Marino, Chris Crawford, Alan Bigelow, and so many of the other hypertext celebrities I’ve only known through their work and websites.

I’m also getting a lot of the picture framing done, cleaning the
house, and making sure my husband has enough ironed shirts and slacks
to last until he meets a new woman in case something happens to me.

HYPERTEXT: Keynote Editing

June 7th, 2008 by susan

I’m going to play the “Rehearse” feature on this today which times it out (along with comments), but here’s the latest editing in “Lightbox” View:

HYPERTEXT: Presenting

June 6th, 2008 by Susan

Just as putting any narrative together, the same must be considered with a presentation. I’m asking every single slide if it feels it is on-topic.  I’m getting enthusiastic "YES!" in the replies but it’s all lies.

The problem is that while working with hypertext–even the subject thereof–I feel free to wander. There is a balance between brevity and relativity that makes one dance among the words. But what I’m looking for is polka and what I’m doing is the waltz.

I need be brutal. I’m finding things that will be needed to be said in speaking; so cutting words that need not be read out from the text. 

STORYSPACE: Living in Boxes

June 5th, 2008 by Susan

In keeping with my firm belief that hypertext story works much as the human mind in using stored information, being selective and influenced by impetus and purpose, I was thinking today about how my own life has been stacked into memory segments and stored on shelves by what method of filing system?

Are memories archived by date? By the senses–surely, or at least linked in that way.  Or are they put into bins marked "Good" or "Bad," "Pleasant or "Distasteful," or how strong or impactful they were on our lives?  And when they are called up to duty, what is the chain of links that brings the right one to mind?  What interferes with accuracy (oh, that wasn’t Joe, that was Fred!)?

It’d be interesting to do a hypertext in sort of a Jim Carrey’s The Truman Show style of presentation of a life.

HYPERTEXT: Trying to think Unhypertextually

June 5th, 2008 by Susan

That is, trying to funnel the travel through a single line of thought on my slideshow regarding hypertext and how it affects writing style and the writer’s focus from linear to multidimensional story.

What I started out with became a fine example of hypertext: offshoots and sidetrails that gave a more rounded image of the experience.  But I think that I know what I’m doing with it, and I think that making a copy of the Keynote file and leaving the original somewhat as it was to play with the copy was a good idea. At some point I may be able to use the longer version to illustrate the whole process of hypertext writing rather than on the particular tendency of change.

HYPERTEXT: Better Days

June 4th, 2008 by Susan

Still haven’t gotten down from 30 slides, but have rearranged and cut out a lot of the text–particularly the writing spaces from the programs. While I didn’t expect anyone to read them completely, someone suggested that if they want to and I just flip past it before they have, that’s not exactly an endearing trait in a presenter.  So, replaced most of them with boxes of less substance. 

Ten out of the 33 slides are either just title or credits, or a short paragraph that I will read aloud and pass onto the next slide. 

I will do a more formal reading/run-through and see how it goes.  I’ve left enough in there that I would love to include, but am willing to drop if I absolutely have to do so. Timing will tell. At least I’ve gotten it more organized.

HYPERTEXT: Of Poets and Problems

June 4th, 2008 by Susan

Took a gardening break to get away before the great attack. Both on the presentation, which needs to be started from near scratch, and on the story Paths which has become an embarrassment to me now.  Everything looks so hokey, so unpro.

Some serious focus on these two projects in the weeks ahead.


June 1st, 2008 by Susan

It’s starting to look better (?):

Hypertext: Slash and Burn!

May 31st, 2008 by Susan

Well, I’m down to three slides and my Buster Brown rendition.

Actually no, I haven’t had the heart to cut out any of my pretty slides yet.  I spent all day so far changing fonts and colors. I know I hafta, and that you folk lucky enough to be at the Pittsburgh Hypertext 08 Workshops will be seeing the highly squished condensed version.  What can I say?  I’ve developed a hypertext mind and wandered off the the main trail as every good hypertexter should.  Here then, for perhaps the last time, is the full show:

NEW MEDIA: Reading at the ELO

May 30th, 2008 by Susan

From Scott  Rettberg over at Grand Text Auto, his paper on "Communitizing Electronic Literature" that he’s prepared for the ELO conference in Vancouver that’s happenin’ right now.

I’ve only gotten a small part of the way through it–due to lack of time and not its content–and while I find myself nodding in agreement to much of it, learning even more, there are some issues I’d likely argue though I’d like to finish reading it before I do so.  So why don’t I? Because I wanted to spread the word rather than have it be old news by the time I’m done.

Even as a newcomer to digital media and hypertext and such, I find it surprising that the same old fight to get recognition is still going on.  Usually, something either makes it big time or fades into the past like a hula hoop.  If it’s still an active idea–and it is certainly so–then to me, the problem is not the medium but perhaps the marketing.

I well understand the resistance to a new form of reading–Lord knows how many of my once dear friends now avoid me because of my insistence that they read my latest venture, or better, someone else’s–but there are a number of walls here that need taking down.  To me, that’s the first step in marketing: know thine enemy. (It’s also the first step in gardening, particularly when it comes to weeds and bugs and four-footed sneaking creatures of the night)  Then you can prepare for the attack.

The problems, oversimplified, are 1) the older audience that clings to the comfort and inky smell of paper books, and 2) the younger folks who prefer the visual graphics of gaming to the hieroglyphics of text. Goodness knows, the new age brings folks more into reading and writing than ever with its technology that has it all over the written pen pal letter or thank-you note, but this: "r u @ home?" will never lead one into digging further into Faulkner or Joyce. 

And maybe there is yet another problem: the tendency to please the masses rather than try to educate them. It all comes down to money on that argument.  So the medium changes rather than the mind.

But now is the perfect time to promote digital media of all sorts.  Amazon was smart enough to take advantage of the times with Kindle.  I remember a time where you didn’t go to the beach without a book.  You always packed several for any trips.  I recall getting hollered at by my mother for reading in the car.  In the dark sometimes, waiting for the flash of headlights on a twenty-minute ride from shopping in New Haven. 

So what do we do?  Well, short of burning books to keep them out of the hands of one generation and adding in the pictures we evidently took out too soon from the books between "See Spot Run" and "The Hardy Boys," I guess we have to come up with a marketing plan.