Posts Tagged ‘CODE’


Sunday, February 15th, 2009

One of the main reasons that I wanted to set up my own sites away from Typepad’s restrictions was to be able to offer some of my own work online, in particular, the hypertext work done in Storyspace so that it could be read.

Well, I finally was able to export one of my pieces, A Bottle of Beer, originally worked in Hypertextopia and transferred to the Storyspace format so that it was more available to my own whims. Though it’s basically a linear piece that was worked specifically for the Hypertextopia form of hypertext using ‘shards’ or what may be considered ‘asides,’ it was easily put into the Storyspace format. And today I was able to export the pieces into html format via the Storyspace templates, upload it here into the Pages-My Works part of this weblog.

There are some kinks to work out; some of the links point to a 404 page and I suspect it has to do with the titles of the nodes. Another problem seems to be the incorrectness of the links show as ‘next’ and ‘previous’ but I seem to recall Steve Ersinghaus having had that problem when he first exported a file and so I may find an easy answer to that if he recalls it. At any rate, despite the problems, it’s here.

BLOGGING & CODE: I give up.

Wednesday, February 11th, 2009

Three weeks spent on this move, upgrading, exporting, tweaking, and all I did was upgrade WordPress 2.7 again to 2.7.1 and all my efforts just went to hell.

It’s just not worth it.

UPDATE: Some of the problems I encountered are in this Spinning post so I won’t duplicate them here, but with about an hour’s worth of additional work, I got things back to normal.

BLOGGING & CODE: The Technical Side

Tuesday, February 10th, 2009

Since Typepad doesn’t allow a 404 or 301 redirect page, and since I can’t understand how to play with the templates to get something in there, I’ve come up with a semi-workable solution that will at least help the external links to the weblogs if not to the direct postings (for particular projects like Storyspace or Facade or in Spinning, literature reviews). After deleting the old Hypercompendia weblog (Spinning’s just password-protected for now–it’s tough to pull the plug on 5 years of my life), I’ve created a new weblog in Typepad with the same Hypercompendia name and posted the link to the new WordPress weblog to serve as a redirect. It looks like this:


This will work only because my Typepad account is paid up in advance for quite a few months so I believe it’s well-worth the money to redirect to the new weblog, even if only taking care of a portion of the searches and links. Now to do something like this with Spinning.


Sunday, February 8th, 2009

The bad part about designing a logo is that it doesn’t take long to come up with something you think is cool. The next bad thing is giving up the old one that you thought was so cool.

This one’s sort of glitzy and bold, but I like it. The good thing is that I am not so crazy about it that I’ll let it sit for a year, afraid that I won’t come up with something better. Now I have to adjust the font colors a bit, maybe make the links really red. The background will likely remain white though I might fiddle a bit with a super light gray.