SOFTWARE & TOOLS: What a Hoot!

June 5th, 2007 by Susan


In my first attempt at assigning motion to a character, I did the right procedure–it’s easy enough–but didn’t really know what the actions (and distances) would do.  I have the Mad Scientist entering the garden area (that’s him on the right) and upon seeing Socrates (by the tree), he’d shake his head left, then right, then focus on Socrates.

Well, his head jerked off to the left, zipped to the right, then flew forward and landed on the ground beside Socrates! Notice the lump laying at his feet.

What I should have done, of course, is rotate his head–not move it! This is a case of learning the language. I’m done laughing and am getting serious now.  What do you think the philosophical Socrates would have to say at this point in the story?

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