BLOGGING: Or Lack Thereof

July 12th, 2007 by Susan

I’ve been woefully remiss in keeping up on the Alice project, as well as the Recycling project, as well as The Paths, and anything else my brain gets all fired up about as my ancient body trails behind in Warp 3 speed.

The reason is not from waning interest, nor the same virus that’s laid low my writing, but rather the drain on my creativity and time that comes out of greed. 

No, not really.  At least I hope that’s not it.  It’s a matter of principle and justice (and the Don Quixote in me that charges full speed rather than mere tilting at windmills) that both incites and bleeds me dry but leads me to continue my fight against my dear sister in estate matters for the last three years.

Oh that that dark cloud blows south very soon and leaves clear minded blue skies to fill with ideas and production instead.

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