January 4th, 2008 by Susan

010408ssp2 Editing.

It’s inevitable.  Within fifteen minutes of sending off your work for someone else to read–unfortunately, not your copyeditor–you find the typo.

I must have read this particular Writing Space in Paths at least a hundred times (honest, it was a part of the original story) and just found Chloe eating ‘choccolate’ on her porch.

Here’s just one more reason why it’s vital to the hypertext community to establish itself as a major movement in literature; we need more people willing to read for editing purposes.  I’m a pretty damn good copyeditor myself and I’ll miss a few now and then and maybe I’m not so hot on semicolons and tenses but I’ll usually find errors in published books and such.  This e-mail notice from my local TV news last night produced an immediate giggle:  “Obama wins Iowa Republican caucus”.

But you think I’d catch my own?  Particularly at this time of the season when there’s still about four (empty) boxes of chocolates sitting in front of me in the living room?

Big Charlie Brown ‘sigh.’

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