January 5th, 2008 by Susan

This is just too funny.  In working on Gap–which I think is the title of my second Storyspace project–I’m finding a similar pattern emerging as I’d seen in Paths

If I ever became famous for writing, I’d probably be able to coin a phrase for this style and it’d be something like "hunger" or "menu" writing.  I’ll betcha that at least half the writing spaces mention food in one manner or another and in Paths, I became aware of it early enough to play on that and many of the links are based on either eggs or berries, pies or wine.  Shoot, even one scenario that has a main character sitting in her car waiting anxiously for an important meeting she’s parked in front of a supermarket and plans her grocery list as she waits.

Maybe this belongs more into the realm of theme than motif.  Or maybe I can tell folks it’s metaphor or symbolism.

Maybe I’ll become a millionaire by creating the first hypertext library-cafe where when you read (the screens and literature supply are at every table) "peaches" you click and not only get to the next writing space, but a fresh peach drops out of a chute to roll into your left hand.  Feeding mind and body at the same time.


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