STORYSPACE & PROJECTS: Reinforcement by Episodic Device

January 1st, 2008 by Susan

New Map View showing the latest addition (now up to 275 Writing Spaces–having started out with 75).


And this, a play on the Berries links that infiltrate one of the character’s pov of the narrative that seemed to flow out from something else he had said, something that brought back a memory to him that reveals a bit more of what brought him to this point in his life and his reflections.


I remember the little girl who lived downstairs from my grandmother.  I remember watching her jumping rope on the sidewalk in front of the apartment building. She was about my age and I’d tried to talk to her but she made it obvious that she was ignoring me.

Strawberries raspberries huckleberry pie…

At each flip of the rope she’d hop over, her skirt would flit up with the jump. I’d watch because sometimes she’d catch the back of it in the rhythm of her sing-song movements and it would lift up high enough to almost reveal her panties.  She’d look at me then and laugh.

So this side of Jeremy is more vulnerable, and it is sandwiched (to continue the food theme I realized I have going throughout this story–as with much of my writing anyway) between a new sequence of spaces that bring in Jeremy’s interaction with his grandmother and the sequence I’d laid down previously of his philandering.

I suppose this can be done in straight writing but it’s become part of the experience of Storyspace’s hypertext medium and I can only hope that the opportunity becomes habit and incorporates itself in all future writing I do, regardless of the method.

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