STORYSPACE: A Bottle of Beer – Format

April 27th, 2008 by Susan

Done primarily as backup, a version of A Bottle of Beer has been put into Storyspace for safekeeping.  I do have a word document on it as well, as Jeremy at Hypertextopia has made it easy to grab off the internet.

Here’s the map:

The primary difference is that the “Shards” need to be linked back to the “Fragment” from which they are text-linked since they open up as a separate window in Storyspace, rather than as a text window alongside the main window as in Hyptextopia.  There is a possibility of doing this in SSP. but that would mean that all text windows would need to be kept open.

I was able to follow the color coding of the different threads of disconnected shards (themes) that I’ve used in BoB, as shown on the map above and on the text window below, which includes several text links:

The ‘shard’ windows have colored text to match the theme, as was done in Hypertextopia, though I may need to make the typeface larger to show up more clearly:


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