STORYSPACE & HYPERTEXT: Editing my brains out!

May 30th, 2008 by Susan

I work so much better with deadlines–except for paper submissions (not classroom stuff) which sees another deadline go by tomorrow as the lit journals cut off reading for the summer.  The last time I’ve submitted any short stories was a couple of years ago and I was determined never to bother doing so again but…you know, you just have to because what are you going to do with these things otherwise?  My heirs will likely toss them into the hole after me, just as I’d so often threatened my mother to do with her recipe collections.

But now I’m getting nervous because I’m in love with Keynote and have been fiddling with that so much that I’m not doing other stuff.  Like editing Paths which needs it so very badly.  Or working on one of the other hypertexts that would likely be in much better shape except that it has no ending yet.  Then again, it’s hypertext; I can let people go around in circles and loops forever if I just do some fancy maneuvering with the links…

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