June 13th, 2008 by Susan

Editing and some revising of Paths mostly for language and necessary (or so extraordinarily lovely eloquence–not much here though!) verbiage just so I’m not embarrassed too badly by it next week.

It has me looking more deeply at its structure and while it seems so linear (x 5) on the Map View it is in concept so multilinear in its simultaneous timelines that I wonder if a good scrambling of the map would make it look more hypertextual.

Five characters, two time periods, no definitive right or wrong for the reader.  The question at the beginning posed by a woman’s reflections are mirrored throughout but it is a funhouse mirror–distorted by perception particular to a character.  I’m not seeing much to change with storylines and really don’t want to add anything to it to make it more concrete, so maybe for now just the language.

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