STORYSPACE: Pigeon & Shoe – Form & Content

July 5th, 2008 by Susan

Spent quite a bit of time last night and this morning on this piece.  Rearranged the mapview once I made a connection between characters.  It is progressing oh so slowly though; I wonder what it is so different this time that makes it so.

I seem to have the general story in mind, the characters and the setting.  Only a small part of the ending do I know and that is only because it’s there already, in the beginning.  What I seem to be spending time on is the language, the knowing and the building of the characters.  Each of them will meet and pass another, yet each I feel are tied together in some way.  That’s where the hypertext form is so very useful.  I’d gotten quite excited when I noticed where the old woman walked, and who sat waiting up ahead. And so they nod and greet each other, knowing only what they see of each other in this sometimes routine, this single similar moment that repeats itself with regularity, and just as regularly remains upon that level, that main trail.  The rest of their lives, past, present and future are only known if delving deeper…

…like following another trail.

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