STORYSPACE: The Edit Syndrome

July 12th, 2008 by susan

One step forward, three steps back. No doubt about it, for me (and likely only me) the hypertext format of Storyspace forces me to reread and rewrite the writing spaces individually each time I go in to work on a project.  God only knows what the original one was worded as but this is likely not to survive too long either:

John Kellerman’s nights wrapped around him, tucked in by alley walls that held the day’s warmth in a fragile grasp within an hour’s touch of the new sun rising. The faint click of a traffic light, an occasional hailing of a lonesome cab the lullaby to which he slept.

It seems I just can’t bounce ahead blithely spewing story; a spit in every box.  I read and fix and read and fix each box it takes me to get to the end where something new is supposed to happen.  Sometimes I’m so worn out I never reach that point.  But this: I think I’ve left a better trail.

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