HYPERTEXT & CODE: I need a blob of color…

February 23rd, 2009 by susan

…a block, a dot; something that, with a single keystroke, will act as a hyperlink at the end of lexia text to move to the next logical lexia without the need for “next” or “basic links” or as I have been doing, using the last word of the space. I’m thinking of going back and using an arrow (–>) which is a common sign for moving forward in both hypertext and IF, but it would be really neat to have something with a ‘heavier’ weight, particularly when using colored text and backgrounds.

There’s likely something available in the library of symbols in either Pages or Word, but as I’ve found out with the ene (or Spanish nyah-sound of Señora) they do not compute in the export of Storyspace into the html templates.

So I’m looking for a blob of color, fairly large, like a drop of blood that leaves a trail to follow to the murderer.

2 Responses to “HYPERTEXT & CODE: I need a blob of color…”

  1. Chris Says:

    Tricky, though — you’d want something that intuitively suggests “click here to continue,” right? Maybe this guy: http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/25b6/index.htm

  2. susan Says:

    Hey, thanks! The arrow symbol is perfect for what I wanted it to do. The great part is that I can place it where I want it, it’s big enough to notice, yet not obtrusive. I’ve got to check if I can somehow place it in the storyspace format so that I don’t need to place it in the html template of each box afterward, but for now, I can easily replace the word with the symbol in this current piece. Thanks again, Chris.