March 2nd, 2009 by susan

Really should–and probably will–form a new category for HTML and CSS, but since the main reason for my getting into it is all because of hypertext writing I suppose for now it all relates.

Just managed to move beyond the problem of the wandering center column of a three-column design format (figure I’ll work out the horizontal alignment later) which was driving me nuts because I don’t totally know what I’m doing yet. I was able to pin the left column in place while remaining fluid, and the right by pinning it to the right edge, but the center column moved to the left if there was no left column in place. I finally managed with both position: absolute and margins of left: 250px and right: 250px to keep the center column in the center without the sides supporting it.  For now, that’ll work, even though it’s not the cleanest way of doing this and it does limit me to the particular widths until I learn to code around them.

Meanwhile, I have to fix paddings and margin widths and the horizontal positioning before I bother getting more fancy with design.

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