July 25th, 2009 by susan

Annalee and Jacob

64annaleeIn this piece I’ve let the story take whatever turn it desired and entertained all possibilities that offered themselves up. In other words, the author was left just as blind as the reader as to choice.

While there are several points where the story of Annalee and Jacob can recover and change from the path that was chosen, once we get down to the end the result of their connection is completely random. It might make sense to make a story more planned out and predictable, but here there are six different endings of many more different stories.

Sort of like real life.

2 Responses to “100 DAYS PROJECT: #64”

  1. mary ellen Says:

    This one was funny (flipped his zipper?! Toes and penises fitting together–you’ll have to draw it for me ;P) and I found all the happy endings.

    But I refuse to believe you don’t know how they got there.

  2. susan Says:

    I believe all the endings were happy, even if Annalee and Jacob drifted apart.

    Yeah, writing six stories instead of just the one for the day kind of drained me. They do need to fit with what went before–well as much anything in life fits together.

    (BTW, I think the toes fit with female parts rather than male counterparts. Although, you know, if you . . .)