July 26th, 2009 by susan

Voices in Your Head

65voicesinyourheadThis one took a long time coming and I even had to kill off a character since she was taking too much of the story for herself and it wasn’t about her at all. What prompted this story from Steve’s was a phone call out of the blue. While he brilliantly tied the past to the present with a connection between the callers, I ended up (as usual) with a wrong number.

The mapping structure is a wayward path of several similar stories of the same central character that all lead to the same ending. But the ending will be interpreted by the reader based upon what he has read. I’ve tried to link semantically as much as possible within the interweaving of the storyspace  (that’s not the Storyspace, since I’m using Tinderbox throughout this project). There’s just so very much you can do with hypertext; different endings, different middles, that the possibilties far outweigh the burden of planning even as one strives for concise story and brevity of narrative–which is likely why, after reading Steve’s entry on this topic, I ground to a halt in intimidation and fear.

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