NEW MEDIA: Well, Old New Media

November 11th, 2009 by susan

V-AnnaRealized that I’ve consistently missed the new TV series “V” about alien visitors and want to catch up on that. Something has bothered me about this show since I’d first seen the trailers all summer: the beautiful alien known as Anna is almost unbelievably game-graphic and I wondered if indeed she was a real person or not at first.

The color of her skin, the large features, the hairstyle, the shape of her face, all are based on some of the games such as Silent Hill, etc., and it’s nearly a case of art imitating life. I wonder if this is the intent of the drama; if the ‘alien’ is meant to look unreal, almost too perfect, and well, phony.

I’m going to catch up on this and maybe the story will explain the choice of character and cast.

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