HYPERTEXT PROJECT 3: Audio Synchronizing with Reading:

April 16th, 2012 by susan

Before I go any further, I need to time the reading of each page approximately, since some have several stretchtext links that will hold the reader to the page longer.

Downloaded a free program called “Alarm Clock” for the Mac, needing really only the stopwatch capability it had and the fact I can keep it on the Desktop–the fastest way to stop and start it while at the same time opening a page and clicking links. Works pretty well–”Yolanda”, the first page of text, clocks in at 41 seconds.

I likely won’t have the music playing throughout, and really, what I want to do is open some pages silently while having the background audio start up maybe during a stretchtext link. So far, I haven’t been able to figure this one out but it’s not as important as these preliminary timing of the pages and the planning to clip out sections of the 9 minute audio file. Some can obviously be used over again.

The biggest test for me, if all this works well, is to avoid overindulging and madly adding in sound effect clips. Like for the squeaking of her rocking chair on the porch. Or when she rolls her husband down the cellar stairs.

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