HYPERTEXT PROJECT 3: Breaking Apart a Tune

April 16th, 2012 by susan

So with much flourish and ado (a.k.a. screwups and duplications), I have separated out the first few notes of the song in Audacity and converted it into a separate .wav file and can embed it on a separate page. Actually, I tried embedding it before a link of stretchtext but it opens immediate upon opening the page. That’s okay, I can live with that for now.

What I was not able to do is to turn it into an MP3 directly from Audacity because it claims that it can not find the MP3 encoder library, which I thought I also downloaded from some LAME site. I’ll work out that problem later, but will use the .wav files for now. Because they’ll play with me.

Also have to learn to be quicker on the Selector button.

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